Partner Pages

Acquire Coaching - This is my innovative coaching company that I yammer on about. Click through and get in contact for a chat about your requirements. We're jargon-free, honest and real-world in our approach and communication style. That what we do works is a given. Some call it 'refreshing' because we don't trot out the usual hum-drum stuff so often associated with coaches and consultants. We look forward to seeing you on the other side! Click here or email me directly here.

enhancedMIND - Here's where the really clever training stuff happens. Sales, communication and leadership training with a unique spin and enriched with psychological influence and persuasion techniques and processes. If you're looking for something a cut above the rest, here you go. High impact, insightful and leading edge, you'll never be the same again afterwards. In a good way! Click here for more info. You owe to yourself and your business. Do it now!

Sayers Media - Need PR, marketing, copywriting and all that type of stuff? Lucky you, I'm making it easy for you today :). Sayers Media (in which I have no involvement although I really should work out a commission plan!) will help you with anything you need to put out there in the big bad world to represent you and/or your company. You want it to stand out, be a little daring, but not too risqué... To enthrall and to evoke. To impassion and ignite.. You get the hint by now, I just know you do. And here's another one. Go there now!