Monday 28 June 2010

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

As England football fans went to bed last night, many, including the players and management (hopefully), will have been reflecting on what might have been.

Another 4 years of builld-up to the 2010 World Cup, promises of success, and fanatical support, came to nothing on a field in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Crushing disappointment, coupled with the knowledge that even if England had scraped a win, Argentina await in the next round, enveloped all those with more than a passing interest in the game.

The good news is that it was only a game of football. Nobody got hurt and we all live to fight another day. I have sympathy for those that paid large sums of money to see a team underperform on the world stage but as with all things, there really are no guarantees. You pay your money and you take your chance, as the saying goes.

Speaking of sayings, one of my favourites, and one extremely annoying to the few burdened people that I play golf with, is 'Coulda, woulda, shoulda'. I could have played a better shot. I would have made the green. I should have used a more appropriate club. They come thick and fast after every dud shot. Never after a great one! As a relatively new player, I still hit my fair share of bad shots, but my mind set has changed. I realise I can only affect the the shot I am playing right now. Not the ones I've already played. They are history and I have to learn from what I did wrong. Not the ones I'm going to play. Other than having the correct kit such as waterproofs if it rains (it is truly miserable playing golf whilst soaked to the skin) and some fluids or a snack, there's not much you can you do.

No, it's just that one shot. Right here, right now....

As I view the position of the ball, the distance ahead and take into account wind strength and direction, it is this shot and this shot only that I am able to influence. My club selection done, I approach the ball and, stopping short, I take a couple of practice swings. I then address the ball, assuming my stance, softening my knees, moving my weight onto the balls of my feet whilst keeping my heels grounded. Club head square to the ball, breathing regular, I start my backswing, keeping my head still and looking at the ball and only the ball. I bring the club head through the ball at an even tempo, still continuing to look only at the ball. Only as I complete the follow through with the club do I move my eyes away from where the ball once stood....

Great shot or terrible, that shot is now consigned to history and the next one demands my undivided attention. There's nothing that a 'coulda, woulda, shoulda' will do to help.

And so it is in life and business. We can say 'coulda, woulda, shoulda' all day long about everything and everyone. But it won't matter. Excuses and recriminations won't help you. Learn from the past, be better prepared for the future, but give your here and now the courtesy of your complete attention.

Today can close the door on the failures of yesterday and open the doors that lead to the success of tomorrow. Today wants all of you to itself, and rightly so. Get out there, make the most of it. Not everything will go to plan, but hey, that really is life!

Thanks for stopping by.

PS - If you find your plans consistently come to nothing, maybe take a look at your plans. Go through them with a friend to get a different perspective. It's a good thing to have a plan but give yourself a fighting chance to start with :)


  1. Hey Andrew,
    loved your posts, in fact I have liked all of them because of the way you tie sports into your message. Sports are challenging just like life. Good advice too especially about looking at what's happening, getting a friend to review what you're doing ... sometimes you can't see the life you're in and need "fresh" eyes

  2. Hi Lesly,
    Thanks for commenting! I'm glad you like the link to sports. I think there are many similarities in approach to getting the best out business, sport and life. Fresh eyes on a situation never do any us any harm, for sure :)

  3. Hi Andrew,

    I really liked the phrase you wrote: "Today can close the door on the failures of yesterday and open the doors that lead to the success of tomorrow". You are absolutely correct in that yesterday is gone & there's nothing you can do to change it ~ you can however learn from it & strive to do something different or perhaps better today and tomorrow. Harping on the past does nothing except waste time & energy today that you could put to better use. Great post, and thanks for sharing!


  4. Andrew,
    Another great post and your analogies of business to sports works quite well. I used to play golf and know that you have to put the previous shot out of your mind before you can have the proper mindset for the next shot.
    Same is true in business as you try different strategies. All you can do is learn from the past and begin afresh for next endeavor.
    Thanks for sharing and I also feel bad for England, but they need to start afresh for the next World Cup.
    To Your Success!
    Dawn and Dave

  5. What a good writer you are, Andrew! It looks to me like this blogging business is exactly what you should be doing. Great post--nicely done. :)

  6. That's a great analogy using football. The past is done only if you must reflect on the past only reflect on the good experiences.


  7. Andrew,

    Thanks for sharing that story, Live is all about the moment Today, not about excuses, what could have been, should have been, Making it happen, taking life for what it is, we all have the power to mold it to how we want, it might not be right at that moment but if we keep on trying and take the steps to get there, what we want will happen.

  8. Andrew,
    I love your statement, Today wants all of you to itself, and rightly so. I do attempt to live each day fully, but I must admit I sometimes get caught in what I should have already done - especially with my online business.

  9. Andrew,

    It's my first time on your blog, and I wanted to let you know I love your writing style!

    You've given some great advice. Those 'coulda,woulda,shouldas' stop many of us from taking action right now.

    I like your point of learning from the past, be better prepared for the future, but focus on the present moment. That's what great coaches help us train for - no matter the area.

    Thanks for the great example of why we need to make a plan and then make the most of our day.


  10. Thank you very much all for taking the time to comment here, I really appreciate it!


