Monday 19 July 2010

Out of 'adversity' comes opportunity

In this case I'm not talking real challenge and drama. Just something that knocked me off-track a little recently. Those of you that have been tuning in for a little while will know that one of the things I like to do is to run. I'm not particurly good at it in that I've never really been built for endurance sports but I'm improving quickly.

At the end of April I signed up for some running events, which started with a (ridiculously difficult) 20K off-road event and the initial block of 5 bookings culminates in a 45 mile ultra marathon in January. I know...

Anyway, I duly started training like a madman and lo and behold I picked up and injury. And surprise of surprises, I sort of ignored it. And when I say sort of, I ran on it including a 16K treadmill run a few days ahead of the 20K race. I think it was at this point that my poorly knee said enough's enough. You idiot. And loud enough for me to pay attention. In the back of my mind I was thinking if I could just run through it (stay with me) I'd be fine for the half marathon road race scheduled for August... Uh huh.

So as I lay on the physio's couch 10 days ago and having a variety of pain inflicted as part of the examination, I casually asked about the prognosis. Afterall, I've a half-marathon to do. You can forget that said Physio. No running for 3 weeks at least. 3 weeks? At least?! :-( (And yes, I'm looking for a replacement event, probably late September..).

I was sent away with an order to rest, ice and take anti-inflammatories. Oh, and to maintain cardio fitness I have to swim. As many times per week as I can fit in. Great. From running out in the sunshine in the great outdoors I have to flap around smelling of chlorine.

Many moons ago, I was a competitive swimmer, so I know my around a pool without drowning (so far). It even turns out I still have some moves, which surprised me. But not as much as how completely exhausting swimming is compared to running. First session I was winded after just 2 lengths of the pool. This can't be right?!. I can run 12+ miles and I'm fairly fit! Different sport, different muscles, breathing etc. etc.. All in all, seriously hard work. However....

Turns out I rather like it. In fact, time allowing, I've been in the pool almost everyday since being ordered there under sufferance! I've got a bit of a routine worked out, spoke to a lifeguard who's an ex-triathlete who gave me the use of some floats to work arms and legs separately and gave me some tips. All of a sudden I'm transported back in time to days when I was up at 5am (then not now!) to swim before school and loving it.

So there you have it. Could be a bit of good old fashioned 'if life give you lemons, make lemonade' in action. I should do that more often!

Thanks as always for stopping by.


  1. Awesome Andrew. It is amazing how things turn out if we just go through the process and see what is in store.
    Great story.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey Andrew,

    Isn't life great..I recently went through one of those events which seems like the worst thing in the world when actually its a huge blessing in disguise.

    Always look for the silver lining, it is always there. Thanks for sharing your story and how you have been able to put a positive spin on life.

    Beth :)

  3. Hey Andrew,

    Really enjoyed your post. Its amazing how we often enjoy something the most when we are really not looking forward to doing it!! And often the things we look forward to the most turn out a little disappointing!

    Great stuff!!


  4. Hi Maggie, Beth and Sue!
    Thanks for taking the time to comment. There's a lot to be said for making the best of a situation and so often spontaneous events are more exciting anyway! That said, things going to plan occasionally works for me too :)


  5. Hey Andrew,

    Great story. Thanks for sharing it with us. You never know when one thing happens where it is going to lead us to next. I sense a triathlon in your future.

    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,
