Showing posts with label business coaching rutland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business coaching rutland. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

One more step....

Life's a funny thing at times.When I say at times, I really mean often. Funny strange. And funny ha ha too. But definitely strange. Do you ever feel that despite doing all the right things, you just don't get the breaks? It may not be of any consolation, but it happens to us all, and probably more often than most will admit.

This week has already been a rollercoaster ride and it's only Wednesday!

Monday I chased up a contract that should have been in the bag (and the bank!) about a month ago. No news. Nothing I can do to speed it up so it's a waiting game.

Monday I also went to the physio (finally) to get my knee looked at. Not just for the hell of it. That would be weird! I went because I've had to lay off the running due to knee pain. I'm not used to getting anything other than the odd twinge so this is new. And unwelcome.

The good news is that the physio identified the problem. The bad news I have patellar tendonitis and this means another 3 weeks off the road and the only cardio I can do is swimming. Oh joy.

Tuesday I came home from a day on the road seeing potential customers to find water dripping through the kitching ceiling. No sign of anyone so I put the buckets down. Ceiling stayed put - bonus! - but that will be a plumber and associated costs....

Today one of the laptops went pop. No warning, no obvious issues, just checked out, took it's ball away and went home in a sulk. As I write, it's being taken to computer hospital and a new laptop is being sought to replace it. No small expense there then. Although the kids will be grateful to have a hand-me-down to replace the ones they broke/abused/infested with numerous viruses. I'd like to add 'delete as appropriate' but it was all....

However, on a rollercoaster you get as many ups as downs and so the week has been. The upside of the delayed contract is that it hasn't gone away, it's in the ether being signed off by the man with the big pot of cash. This is a good thing..

The knee thing is really annoying but the good news is I have a diagnosis, it'll be treated and I'll know how to avoid it in future.

Yesterday I had a great meeting with a prospect which I know will translate into business and spawn more contacts and additional opportunity.

Last evening I went to watch my eldest son, who is 10 years old, in his end of term play and as usual he left me amazed at this confidence and bursting with pride. He only had one line, but then the I guess the Mayor of Munchkin City never was one for big speeches.... That said, he sang really well. I clearly don't remember the Wizard of Oz particularly well.

Today, having finished the proposal for the above business I took myself off swimming for the first time in I don't know how long. Back in the day I was a competitive swimmer and today reminded me just how long ago back in the day was! But I also know that I'll end up fit and healthier and with luck I may have inadvertently rediscovered a sport about which I was once passionate.

Today I've also discovered some other opportunities with great potential and reconnected with some old friends.

I think overall the week is evening itself out. No matter how bad we may feel about a situation, it can get better. But you have to take one more step. Or you'll never know....