Wednesday 12 May 2010

A New Dawn

Hi Everyone, I want to share with you the following from one of my business blogs;

A New Dawn

"So the UK general election is over and we have a new government. For lots of people that’s a great thing, for others, not so much! Let’s make no mistake. David Cameron and Nick Clegg, as leaders of this new coalition, have a huge job on their hands to get the UK on its feet again and they’ll have no idea just how bad things are for a little while yet.

Meanwhile, we have to focus and keep doing what we do best to keep our order books full, staff motivated and not get sucked in to the inevitable, general ‘we’re doomed’ mentality and ‘we’re not making any decisions’ stories that your customers are going to give you. We’re not doomed and they are going to be making decisions about strategy and expenditure because they have to. And they also need to invest in making themselves more competitive to ensure that they emerge from the effects of the recession with maximum velocity.

There will be however, sectors that are hit pretty hard. We know that public sector and higher education budgets have to be slashed, departments shrunk and we believe the cuts will be deeper than anyone has come close to admitting to in the run-up to the election. If you’re heavily invested in public sector areas other than defence, security and intelligence, you’d be well-advised to consider diversification if you haven’t done so already.

The flip-side to the coin is that now is the time where you can establish some great relationships that pay huge dividends in the future. Doing the right thing by your customers that are having a tough time now will be well regarded in the future. One would hope anyway!

One thing’s for sure. We need to vote for our ourselves and our own businesses to ensure we’re as strong as we can be. Nobody else will doing it for us!

If you need help refining your go to market strategy or maximising your business potential, ACQUIRE is only a click or two away".

Let's all take heart from having a new government in place that appears determined to implement change for the better. I for one shall press ahead with renewed vigour and I hope you will do the same.

Thanks for stopping by.

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