Friday 21 May 2010

Running a small business is a bit like training for MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)

Huh? MMA, Mixed Martial Arts? You might know it under a brand name of UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) or 'Cage Fighting'.

Now, before you think I've lost my mind - and if you see a tiny grey squishy thing rolling around on the carpet, it could be mine - MMA is a multi-disciplined sport encompassing a variety of fighting styles. Leading exponents would be expected to have advanced skills in a blend of wrestling (Greco Roman not WWE or Big Daddy style!), jiu jitsu (grappling, submissions, choke holds), boxing, kick-boxing, muay thai and others.

As well as developing skills and techniques in the fighting styles and the blending thereof, the fighter also has to work on stamina, strength, speed and power, as well as maintaining an appropriate bodyweight for his weightclass.

Sounds hellishly difficult doesn't it? It takes enormous levels of dedication, commitment and discipline to achieve success in this emerging sport (I say emerging as it's yet to break the mainstream media, although it already has a huge global following, especially the UFC). Oh, and they fight for up to 5x 5 minute rounds. I'm tired just writing about it.

Now think about what it takes to run a small business. You need to be multi-skilled also. We've probably heard the term 'Chief Everything Officer' which initially you could be forgiven for thinking is just an amusing spin on 'CEO'. But actually, it's a good description. Being a business owner or senior player in small business really can be about doing a bit of everything.

We need to be multi-disciplined. We have to be commercially savvy, be able to develop customer relationships, deal with suppliers, handle staffing matters, finance, sales, marketing, 'paperwork' and the list goes on....

There is also the issue of staying current. We have to make sure we don't fall behind the times.

We also know that if we let any of these areas slip we can get into trouble quickly. Not just because our days become chaotic. There are those pesky things called competitors out there that can makes our lives even more difficult, right?

The good news is that you're not in this alone. There's a wealth of help and advice at your fingertips. From business coaching, to accountants, to outsourcing, there's a plethora of assistance available to you at at a price to suit your budget.

So we don't all need to be exactly like MMA fighters. They have no choice but to be personally expert in every facet of their game. We have the luxury of being able to have an understanding of each area, and by ensuring we have expertise in the right places we can run successful businesses that stay fighting fit.

As a business coach I ensure that I am not only up to date with generally accepted techniques and methodologies, but I have also created my own innovative coaching style. If you'd like to discuss your business requirements or have a 'business fitness' review, feel free to contact me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew,

    You are so right! This industry IS like a MMA Battle and I often feel like I am losing the fight! I am a big proponent of using professional resources like attorneys, accountants, and insurance agents, though. As a business coach, I am sure that you can direct people to the right resources to help them overcome!

    Looking forward to hearing more of your wisdom.

    Mentor Mama
